2024 design trends i am sick of

2024 design trends i am sick of

When new trends come up, the old ones usually go away. As we enter 2024, it's a good moment to talk about some design trends that have been around for too long. We've seen these styles everywhere, from websites to branding, and now, it's time to say goodbye to the overused and worn-out ones.

3d characters

In recent times, 3D characters have made a big impact on the world of web design. They've brought a dash of personality to websites, ranging from playful mascots to realistic avatars. But as with any trend, there comes a point when it loses its luster. This article delves into why some designers and users are getting tired of 3D characters in web design.

Overexposure and Saturation: The primary reason for the weariness is the sheer abundance of 3D characters on the web. As with any trend, once it becomes ubiquitous, it loses its charm. With 3D characters popping up on nearly every website, they've lost some of their uniqueness.

Lack of Originality: In the race to embrace this trend, many designers have ended up using clichéd or uninspired 3D character designs. Consequently, we're seeing the same types of characters repeatedly, failing to engage the audience.

Overcomplication: While 3D characters can bring depth to a website, some designers have gone overboard with complexity. Overly detailed characters can be distracting and may not resonate with users who prefer simplicity.

Performance Impact: Creating and rendering 3D characters can be resource-intensive, potentially slowing down website performance. Users, especially those on mobile devices, may find this frustrating.

Storytelling Failures: 3D characters are most effective when they aid in storytelling or convey a message. If they don't serve this purpose or if the narrative is unclear, they become mere eye candy with no substance.

Monotony in Style: The widespread adoption of a similar style in 3D character design across various websites can lead to a sense of monotony. Users are seeking fresh and innovative design choices, which may be lacking in this trend.

While 3D characters have undeniably improved the visual appeal of web design, their ubiquity is causing fatigue. To keep this design element captivating, designers must prioritize originality, simplicity, and effective storytelling. By pushing the boundaries of creativity and experimenting with new styles and techniques, we can breathe new life into the role of 3D characters in web design, preventing them from becoming just another exhausted trend.


Neomorphism, once celebrated as a groundbreaking design trend, has lost some of its appeal in recent times. What was initially lauded for its innovative take on user interface design has now become a source of fatigue for both designers and users.

Aesthetic Overload: The fundamental reason for the decline of neomorphism is the saturation of this design style. As more websites embraced neomorphic elements, it lost the unique quality that initially made it attractive.

Poor Readability and Accessibility: Neomorphic designs often prioritize aesthetics over readability and accessibility. The use of subtle shadows and low-contrast elements can impede users' ability to read and interact with content. This poses particular challenges for users with visual impairments.

Lack of Innovation: Once considered an avant-garde design approach, neomorphism has largely stagnated. Designers are now seeking more innovative and fresh design concepts that push the boundaries of creativity.

Overly Complex Implementations: Implementing neomorphic design can be intricate and resource-intensive. For smaller websites and businesses with limited resources, it's often impractical.

Limited Applicability: Neomorphic design works well for specific interfaces but not for all. It's not a one-size-fits-all solution, and some designers are growing weary of seeing it shoehorned into contexts where it doesn't naturally fit.

Risk of Clutter: The intricate and multi-layered nature of neomorphism can lead to cluttered designs if not executed correctly. Designers must strike a balance between depth and clarity.

Neomorphism in web design initially emerged as an exciting and innovative trend, but its popularity has declined due to aesthetic saturation, issues with readability and accessibility, and a lack of innovation. As designers seek more creative and user-friendly approaches, the era of neomorphism may have reached its peak. However, like any design trend, it has the potential for resurgence if it evolves to address current challenges and remains relevant in the ever-evolving landscape of web design.

Undraw illustrations

Undraw illustrations, known for their readily available and adaptable nature, have made a significant impact on web design in recent years. However, their widespread usage has given rise to a sense of fatigue among both designers and users.

Saturation of Use: One of the key factors contributing to the declining appeal of undraw illustrations is their extensive usage. As more websites and projects have adopted undraw illustrations, they have become a common sight, resulting in a feeling of visual repetition.

Limited Originality: While undraw illustrations are easily customizable, their core design elements remain consistent across different projects. This lack of originality has reduced their capacity to create distinct and memorable user experiences.

Impact on Brand Identity: For brands aiming to establish a unique identity, undraw illustrations might not provide the level of customization needed to align with their distinct brand image. Utilizing these illustrations can lead to a generic and uninspiring online presence.

Readability and Accessibility: When used excessively, undraw illustrations can clutter web pages and hinder readability and accessibility. In cases where illustrations overshadow the content, it can impede the user experience, especially for those with disabilities.

Quest for Freshness: Designers are constantly seeking innovative and fresh design concepts. As undraw illustrations have become somewhat predictable, they no longer hold the same appeal for designers who are eager to explore new frontiers of creativity.

Template-Like Appearance: Undraw illustrations may sometimes give websites a template-like appearance, lacking the personalized touch that can make a site feel genuinely unique.

Undraw illustrations in web design, once celebrated for their adaptability and user-friendliness, are now facing a sense of fatigue among designers and users. The overuse, limited originality, impact on brand identity, readability issues, and the desire for fresh design approaches have all played a part in this trend. While undraw illustrations continue to be a valuable design resource, designers are increasingly seeking ways to infuse more individuality and creativity into their projects, with the ultimate goal of creating more captivating and unique user experiences.

Complex Infographics

Complex infographics have long been a staple in web design, serving as effective tools for presenting intricate information in an engaging visual format. However, a sense of weariness is growing among both web users and designers when it comes to these dense data visualizations.

Information Overload: Complex infographics, by their very nature, tend to pack a wealth of data into a single visual. While this can be informative, it can also lead to an overwhelming sense of information, making it challenging for users to effectively absorb and process the content.

Reduced Readability: As complex infographics become more intricate, they often sacrifice readability. Tiny text, intricate details, and convoluted data paths can hinder the user's ability to understand the information presented.

Slow Load Times: Complex infographics, particularly those with high-resolution images or interactive elements, can significantly slow down a web page's loading time. In today's fast-paced online environment, users expect quick access to content, and slow load times can lead to frustration.

Accessibility Concerns: Web accessibility is a critical consideration for all websites. Complex infographics can pose challenges for users with disabilities, as they might rely on screen readers or other assistive technologies that struggle to interpret intricate visual data.

Minimal Mobile Friendliness: With the increasing use of mobile devices for web browsing, complex infographics might not translate well to smaller screens. Designers must consider how these visualizations adapt to different devices while maintaining their effectiveness.

Aesthetic Fatigue: Complex infographics, when overused, can contribute to aesthetic fatigue. Users encounter them frequently, often in similar designs, leading to a desire for more diverse and engaging ways to present information.

While complex infographics continue to be valuable for conveying intricate data, the growing challenges associated with information overload, reduced readability, slow load times, accessibility concerns, mobile adaptability, and aesthetic fatigue have contributed to a sense of weariness regarding their use in web design. As web design continues to evolve, designers are exploring alternative methods to present information that enhances user comprehension while maintaining a visually appealing and efficient user experience.

Clones of the site

Web design trends ebb and flow, and while some come and go quickly, others seem to stick around longer than expected.  In recent times, one particular trend has dominated the design scene: the proliferation of websites that look strikingly similar to, a tool for project management, has made its mark in the digital world. However, its influence on design has been so extensive that it's time to address how this trend has reached a point of oversaturation. There is even a website with all Linear design clones available.

The aesthetic has become ubiquitous, making it nearly impossible to surf the web without encountering a site that appears to be a close cousin. While imitation can sometimes be flattering, an excess of it can lead to a design plateau. The appeal of sites is starting to wear thin, and we must discuss the replication fatigue that many of us are experiencing.

Imitating the Formula: This trend's popularity can be attributed to the clean and simple layout of Its minimalist interface offers excellent user experience and ease of navigation. However, this overuse is gradually becoming a drawback. The abundance of clones threatens to stifle creativity and individuality.

The Monotony Element: undeniably features a functional and efficient design. It's precisely this functionality that drew designers to emulate it. However, the continuous replication has led to a visual monotony that leaves visitors and users uninterested. The familiarity with the layout has grown tiresome, providing little in terms of excitement or uniqueness.

A Lack of Ingenuity: The excessive use of clones inadvertently hampers innovation in web design. Designers should aspire to challenge the status quo, push boundaries, and experiment with fresh, distinctive layouts. Yet, the prevalence of clones keeps us locked into a predetermined structure, resulting in a lack of variety and innovation in the realm of digital design.

The Pursuit of Originality: Users desire fresh experiences, and websites should provide a sense of surprise and individuality. The excessive reliance on clones limits the creation of designs that break the mold, question conventions, or venture into new possibilities.

Designers have gone a step further by creating a website where they've cataloged hundreds of sites that bear an uncanny resemblance to each other, with even popular platforms like GitHub making the list. You can check out these lookalike sites right here.

Be mindful when you're inspired by's beautiful aesthetics. Although it's pleasing to the eye, going too close to its style might leave your brand without a unique visual identity.

It's time to move beyond the ordinary and craft designs that are not only effective but also exhilarating. Design should mirror a brand's character, narrate its story, and offer a source of wonder. So, let's say farewell to the linear clones and usher in a new era of imaginative and distinctive web design.

In conclusion

As we embrace the design trends of 2024, it's essential to reassess which styles have become outdated. While these trends may have once been popular, their overuse has stifled innovation and creativity. Designers and brands aiming to distinguish themselves should contemplate moving away from these worn-out trends and exploring new, invigorating styles that captivate and engage audiences. Keep in mind that design should always evolve to reflect changing tastes and the dynamic nature of the digital world.

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